Thursday, March 8, 2012

Things I wish they'd taught in school - 1

Some things cannot be taught. They have to be imbibed only by experience and suffering.

But it does help if someone points you in the right direction or emphasizes that this is more important than that. They do that where I went to school, but invariably the focus there used to be on academics.

Some of the other valuable skills like time management, philosophy, the value of focus, solitude, minimalism, how to enrich relationships, how to love were sporadically introduced or not given their due importance.

'Thinking out of the box' has become a cliche but it has truth in it. Baba Prasad talks about some of these lost opportunities in his Hindu article. Some take-away points from his article:

- Use the richness and innate properties (people, color for Indians) and values of your own culture and apply them for innovations.

- "Paradigm shifts should not be just the effect, but in fact, should be — again more importantly — the cause for innovation".

- Think of organisations as living, breathing humans and when you think about making changes to them or make strategies for them - keep this humanness in sight. (This reminded me of something totally unrelated but funny , if it weren't actually somewhat tragic.)

What are some other concepts you wish you'd learnt in school or at home?

Thanks to this guy for sharing the article. Follow him if you are on twitter. He's funny.

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