Friday, November 16, 2012

Setting aside prejudice

Rap music turned me off big time. Much of it still does. Nothing wrong with the art form, it just isn't for me. I don't understand what they are saying most of the time, both the pronunciation and speed are out of my comprehension abilities. It doesn't help matters that whenever a car passes-by blaring loud music, it is inevitably playing rap. Also, newer Hindi music directors have this annoying penchant for adding mindless rap bits to otherwise okay songs. Add to that the reputation that rap artists have for drugs, violence and crime. I started actively turning away from rap.

Eminem's 'Till I Collapse' changed my outlook somewhat though. It's part of the original soundtrack of Real Steel.

I found it to be perfect for pepping up a boring run.

This was followed soon by 'Lose yourself' - another number perfect for running.

The beats in these two songs aren't great for setting a brisk pace. But the words and the way they are delivered more than compensate for the slower tempo. You can't feel sleepy or tired while listening to these.

There's one by Tupac Shakur that I heard in passing in a friend's car. Searching for it now.

Never thought I'll be on the way to becoming a fan of rap music.

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